CowraMAC is a relatively small club. We now have about 20 members which means everybody has an opportunity to fly. We have wide interests and fly a diverse range of radio control aircraft from simple ARF trainers, sports models, scale models, foamies, electric gliders, quadcopters, and FPV types. But regular activities are not limited to radio control. Older style diesel engine control line and free flight models get a regular outing.

Most flying occurs on Sundays but as with all such activities is weather dependent. Our own weather guru circuits a weather report by email and members ‘reply all’ if they are going out for a fly. This ensures they will not be out at the field alone should anything go wrong, that there will be someone to share a cuppa with and that they will have help help putting the electric fence up again at the end of the day. Week-day flying is also arranged via group email.

A typical Sunday will get off to an early start with someone flying a small free flight model. Other members drift in over the morning and by lunch time there is usually a collection of RC trainers, sports models, large scale models, helicopters and FPV equipped quadcopters. Members stay still till mid-late afternoon depending on conditions before trundling back home . Winters start later and end earlier. Summers start early and tend to end early too if its a really hot day.
From 2007 we have run an annual “Oily Hand Diesel Day”. This is a nostalga event for those who love traditional modelling and the smell of ether and kero. Lately we have had upwards of 60 participants from as far away as Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. Club members likewise try to support events held at other clubs.