
building and flying model aircraft

Oily Hand Diesel Day 2024 – 24th & 25th August

12 July – Link to Cowra MAC’s Davis Weather Station

Last year we installed a weather station at our field. This delivers realtime conditions at the field 24/7. It shows wind direction and speed, temperature (measured & feels like), humidity, precipitation, air pressure, sunrise/sunset along with a basic forecast, graphs and 24hr records.

By installing the Weatherlink app on your phone or other device and then entering Cowra MAC Milroy Field as the station in the search box you can check the weather at the field anytime you like. You can also find other weather stations in your own area and throughout the world.

If you are using a desktop you can see the Cowra MAC weather station here: https://www.weatherlink.com/bulletin/6b850e68-ee27-4cc1-bb21-7188d3371611

13th June

“Out in the blue is where I’ve been I’ve had my feet in deeper things” but now I’m back and here I am – Thanks Jimmy for your 30-30 hindsight. Here are the Oily Hand 2024 Brochure, Pilots Briefing notes, Schedule for the weekend and David Owen Scramble and Plank Racing Rules. Remember you will be required to sign that you have read and understand the pilot’s briefing notes when you register. This is to keep everyone safe and flying happily. Also check both Plank and Scramble rules as there are changes in each for 2024.

Brochure ’24

Briefing Notes 2024

Schedule for the Weekend

David Owen FF Scramble Rules

Plank Racing Rules 2024

24 May – Raffle

Peter Jackson’s little F/F models are highly regarded and sought after. Here is your opportunity to snag one. This year Peter has donated a Mini Madcap with a .5cc DC Dart. There is a story to this engine which makes it a bit special. It came to Peter NIB from Big Kev’s collection and when Peter ran it, like a lot of Darts, it snapped its crankshaft. Our late and great aeromodelling friend Geoff Potter stepped up and fitted one or his hand turned indestructible cranks to this engine for Peter. He has run it and it is a pearler.

Tickets are only available at Oily Hand weekend and will be drawn at the presentation on Sunday.

Mini Madcap with goldhead Dart by Peter Jackson

22nd May – Muffler for the Shark 402

Same as last yer for the Thunderstreak a muffler is allowed on the Shark. But only for the Shark 402. Of course the question arises ‘what about my Thunderstreak from last year?’. The answer to that would be ‘yes’ but only if you had it in the judging line up and flew it at OHDD last year. 

19th March – Models of the Meet for 2024

Shark 402 is the control line model. Thanks to Peter van de Waterbeemd who has done a cropped version of the plan which will make it easier to print.


The freeflight/radio assist model is the Vic Smeed Majorette. Download the plan from Outerzone on the following link;


You can find more about these two models on last year’s Oily hand page https://cowramac.com/index.php/oily-hand-diesel-day/oily-hand-diesel-day-2023-fri-25th-sat-26th-sun-27th-august/

Bill East from Aerotech is doing laser cut kits for both models. You can contact him at w_east@optusnet.com.au

25th Jan – That’s an oops by Andy!

Been a bit slack as I have already had some calls about the date and folk wanting to know which weekend so they can get in early to book accommodation. It is 37 degrees outside and humid like up in the gulf country so what better thing to do than stop running that new SAMS 1.25 and hide inside and start composing the Oily Hand Page for 2024

As always Oily Hand is the last weekend of August so that makes it Friday 23rd, Sat 24th and Sunday 25th. As usual you are welcome at the field for early registration and trimming flights on the Friday after lunch. And, of course we will have the billy on. Don’t make it too early as we will still be knocking in marker pegs and zooming around on the mower. Start on both Saturday and Sunday is as the sun peeks over the eastern ridge and brekky is available early both days. If you are around Monday you can have a casual fly in the morning before you head off as the field is open.

Keep an eye on this page as time passes I will add more. The latest information will be at the top and the earlier stuff will still be below it.